The Different In Me

The Different in Me

Others tell me I'm on fire

They say they wish to be like me

They say I'm someone they look up to

That I encourage the long fighters

That now the youth are prone to sleep

but I'm awake and in the fight

But who and what am I?

I know I always crave for more

hate my sin and love my Savior

I know I'd give my life for Him

I know I desire to be nearer

I know I often feel so far

I know I fall and often plummet

I know I'm broken and break others

I know I've broken skin on wall

When I can't be calm in my trials

I know I've whispered, screamed, and spoken

Words that break and never build

I know I'm not a good example

that none should look on me in pride

I know I'm nothing but a sinner

But I know the reason I'm still standing.

I know the one who trained my hand

I know the one who gives me strength

I know the one I live my life for

I know the one who owns my heart

I know the one who I'm a slave to

I know the one who broke my chains

The one who gave His life for mine

He is the reason I am different

He is the different that is in me.

Copyright 2021


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