They Left Eden for Hades
They Left Eden for Hades
I want to be close to my children
But my children keep running away from me
I gave them everything they needed
They lacked nothing in my pastures
I held them close and didn't lose them
Watched over them for all their days
I cared for them and loved them dearly
I gave them laws for their own good
I showed them how they could please me
And only asked them for their love
Only asked them to obey me
For that would give them life to live
They saw my laws and did not keep them
They saw my face and did not love
They turned away from my good pastures
And roamed in the desolate wilderness
They left Eden for Hades
They left joy for sadness
They left purpose for lostness
They left love for hate
I made them to be close to me
And they turned and ran far from me
They turned their rejoicing into mourning
When they departed from my way
My laws were there to keep them holy
My laws were there to give them peace
My laws were there to give them love
They said my laws were too restrictive
They said my laws had no good in them
They did what pleased themselves
And reaped the benefits in Hades
I only want them to be near me
I made a way for them to come
I sacrificed so they could love me
Despite their sin I sent my son
I love them still though they run further
I want to hold them in my arms
I made a way but few do follow
I sent my son but few believe
They even turn away from knowledge
They even turn to foolish ways
They even do what hurts each other
They even do what kills the soul
I made a way but they don't take it
They hate my love, and call it hate
They hate the children who turn to me
They hate what's good that I have made
Yet still I love them
The way is open
I wait to judge them
That they might turn
That they might repent of their evil
That they might repent of their wickedness
That they might turn to my goodness
That I could extend my forgiveness
For I love them still
For I love them still
the beauty of love, true love. Nicely done my dear