A question

Riches and Plenty

The Bible seems to be so clear on riches

it says blessed are the poor

and woe to the rich

it says sell all your possessions

and give to the poor

it shows the disciples as possessionless

and God as provider

Paul says "having nothing, yet possessing everything"

and "poor, yet making many rich"

Jesus himself had no place to lay his head,

and at birth he was laid in a manger

Jesus over and over says "Trust in the Lord"

that God will provide, as he does and he has

Yet here I am, and what am I doing?

If I look at my life I see riches and possessions

It's not like I'm a millionaire, but I'm still in the 1 percent

Just the decorations in my room could buy groceries for a week

Should I sell all and live as a nun?

That seems a little extreme.

Should I have no place to lay my head?

Again, it seems extreme.

For the early church families had homes, 

although they shared equally all that they had.

What should I do then?

How should I act?

I wish to follow the examples of the apostles

and the teachings of my Lord,

but what is it? 

what should I do?

what are the teachings I should follow?

It seems I live too much in plenty, 

but what is too much?

Is it fine to live in plenty?

Is it blessing, or corruption?

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