Don't Give Up

Life is worth living

don't give up. 

Pain is real.  

Heartbreak is real. 

 Life can be really messed up and totally suck.


And that's a big but.


God had a plan 

He has redeemed our pain.

It doesn't mean our pain will always go away but it does mean he is right here with us in our pain. 

It means our pain has purpose.  

It means he uses every desperate moment twisted in the pain that comes from sin for good and for life.  

It means that in everything that happens God loves you.  

He loves you with a love that moves mountains and sacrifices itself to give you life.  

He loves you with a love that doesn't change 

and doesn't stop 

even when you can't feel it.  

Even when you reject it.  

Even when you don't want to feel it.  

It means he has given you gifts even though you don't deserve it. 

It means he wants you.  

It means he's chosen you.  

It means that you are his child and you can't do anything to change that.  

Jesus loves you with a love so unbreakable 

unchangeable and 


that we can't even understand it.  

But it's still there.  

It's a love that demands we reach out to it.  

That we ask for it 

and ask to be able to receive it.  

Child He loves you 

and He has chosen you.  

Don't give up.  

He wants you 

and He wants you here.  

He sees you 

and He's here with you, 

He's hurting with you

Because He loves you.


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