The Forest Spring
The Forest Spring
Follow the ancient stone path
Beneath the wandering winds
Until you reach the forest green.
Deep inside the verdant forest
Where harmony has tamed the wild
Listen by the forest spring
Sleep and you will dream
The dream that every person dreams
When by this spring they lie
You'll hear the whisper of the spring
While you lay in slumber
You'll sleep from when you lie
Until two days sunrise is past
And when you wake your heart is set
You'll do the same as the others
You'll wander in the hope of gain
In the hope of gaining that which you dreamt
Twelve good men I've seen wasted such
But when a year does pass the day
When by this hidden spring they lay
Out of their conscious coma they arise
And back to the world their soul comes again
But wasted they are from the walking the walked
And well wept for the searching they endured
And still the same will happen again
Until fifty score more years have hence come
(Though the same has undoubtedly been for half a century)
And when the hundred years are up
The curse of the hidden forest spring
Shall be uplifted and out of the water
A woman whole and sorrowful shall arise
For she had, cruelly, time and time again
Turned away a devoted man
Who at her feet had asked for her return
Of their full emotion
A wizard had enchanted her thus
That she would be a trickling spring
And though in a dream she appeared to each man
Begging him to free her from her shame
Each man would look for a year, as the wizard decreed
And the sorrowing girl could always see them
And yet the wizard would never be found
And in turn for her cruelty
She would be deserted, and left
Until her hundred years are past
Then she will wander the earth until her time is passed
Copywrite 2018
Like to see you working your magical mystical foorest fairy theme!