Why You Worried
Why You Worried
Why you runnin like a chicken with its head cut off
Why you actin like an orphan that don't have no pa
Why you worrying about all the things you need
Do you get yourself a dollar every minute that you worry?
Are you adding years to your life, or clothes to your back,
By worrying you only make your health get worse
You can worry or you can worship but worry makes it worse
You can seek God first, or you can seek God second,
But seeking God second won't get you anywhere
Seek God First, throw your worries on his back
Jump off the cliff and let him catch you
Why you grabbing for the ropes when you jump off the curb
You got the wrong focus, and the wrong position
You got to fix your first-and God will fix your life
You can loose your worries when you run into his arms
We ain't orphans, we got daddy, and he's caring for us.
Do you want to be an orphan, is it better that way
I think you know the answer, to the rhetoric question
Set your thoughts above, to our Abba King
You don't have to worry, you don't have to fear,
You aren't an orphan, You have a father,
Drop your burdens, and trust the lord.
Copyright 2018
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