Prince Rasselas Part 9
New's of Pekuah
Pekuah's Story
copyright 2018
Pekuah's Story
While the Princess everyday
Languished for her lost Pekuah
And every day set apart a time
To cry and think of her
Imlac and Rasselas kept a look out
Sent out more men, and asked around
For news of the Lady Pekuah
Than one day, one month later;
Imlac came with news,
"A man we sent out has come back!
He brings news of Pekuah,
She is safe in the hands of an Arabic
Who is treating her well,
He asks for a ransom of ounces of gold,
200 ounces of Gold"
But the price was no matter and soon it was paid
Brought to the Arab by the man who brought the news
For now they knew he could be trusted
And Pekuah came back safe,
With a story to tell.
She told how she was frightened
When the Arabs took her away
How her maids weeped and wailed
And how she comforted them
She told how they were seperated
As they traveled in the Caravan
But that when they were brought back
And the end of a long day
And Pekuah told her maids to undress her
For she wanted a bath miserably
How the ladies saw her lace under dress
And thought she was a princess
How she explained to the Arab that, no
No she was not a Princess
But that she was under another,
Who would willingly pay a ransom
How as soon as the word was sent
For the ransom to be given
She was treated better
The Caravan stopped when she wished
Her maids were treated honorably
And her even more,
She was fed like a queen, and treated so
And when the ransom was paid,
She was sent home in perfect state.
And now stood before Nekayah,
After telling her her story.
So glad she is safe! 😊