A Longer Poem of my childhood

Fall as a Beautiful Time

Fall is a beautiful time
the leaves are scattered on the ground
wherever the wind blows
They swirl in circles, and
everything is red, orange, yellow, early.
The frost is on the rooftops, and 
the sun makes it glitter and shine.
There is a little snow and
the air is crisp, oh
Fall is a beautiful time.
The wind blows, and
the leaves swirl in circles.
They chase each other and
race each other, it
seems like they're playing tag.
Oh! Fall is a beautiful time.
Yes! Fall is a beautiful time


Fall CAN be a beautiful time--
when the leaves are all yellow and orange.
But then the leaves fall.
Leaving the trees bare, 
The trees are bare.
The leaves litter the ground,
for wind blew the leaves down.
and the leaves litter the ground.
For the leaves fell on the ground.

copyright 2020


  1. Was this an older one? So pretty for the season.

    1. Yes! Actually I found it in the folder of poems from age 12 and younger.


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