Stone Statue- A Narrative Monologue

Stone Statue

A Statue
Of such a lowly thing
A dog! now overgrown with weeds and vines
Unable to escape
Imprisoned here until one
Pure and perfect daughter comes
Daughter of the nearest King
Still I am imprisoned.

Deep inside a forest dark
A hundred years imprisoned here
Haven't see the light of day
Though through one cranny
Once a month
When the sun is set just right
My dark prison becomes a little light
Yet still I am imprisoned.

Waiting for a fated sound
Footsteps other than of beast
Knightly footsteps-clinking chain
Iron plated-or gold crowned
Waiting in this dismal prison
For the Fated one to come
Lo is that a human footstep?
Still I am imprisoned.

Wait. a voice. a kingly voice,
Halting footsteps-could it be
Lost in this deep and dismal forest
Someone of the royal decent
With purple blood-of nearby lands?
Could it be? Does fortune favor me
An older man-by his voice
Bewailing his fortune that, what do I hear?
That so guided him to lose his way
Am I so in luck?
But still I am imprisoned.

Ah-for now a bargain has been struck
At last I will be free
Of this dark and dismal prison
I will see the light of day
Not just for a moment-but for the full time of light!
And now I know he slow walks home
Bewildering at his fate
That his lone daughter now should marry no king no knight
But a Stone Statue! But still I think,
Will I be freed from my cold prison
For still I am imprisoned.

Now footsteps, steady, on the path
Has my deliverance come?
As she draws near-a sudden fear
Have I been now deceived
A voice-hallowing-I now hear
But not of royal sound
'Tis rough as that of country women
Not the price I bargained for
And yes, after short discourse here,
I send, a lowly maiden home;
Not of royal good decent, but that of a maid.
And still I am imprisoned.

And  now 'tis three days passed the day
When one good knight I counseled
And three times have I been treated falsely
Will the same happen today?
And now I hear a faint soft sound
Footsteps, falling on the path,
Not steady like the milkmaid,
Not haughty like the poultry woman
But light, and hesitant, yet true,
Could it be true-had now my good deliverance come?
For still I am imprisoned.

And now I stand delivered, free
For it was a lady of royal decent
Daughter of the King, come of her own will
Unwilling for me to be deceived still
Though it might mean her life devoted to
A Stone Statue-yes she came to marry
For soon as she heard her father's unwelcome vow
Determined she-that he could keep it well
Did offer herself, to take upon herself the vow
That her poor father had sorrowfully committed her too.
Great was my joy on later hearing this,
For now enchantment ended and deliverance secured;
The King and all his regiment now overjoyed,
At seeing their dear princess now restored,
To proper position, with proper husband.
And I have seen the sackcloth all removed,
For now I am a whole man-no Stone Statue;
Once cursed but now full blessed
For now I am free.

Copywrite 2018


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