After the Rain

After the Rain:
Breathe Deep

Hands reaching up
To catch the heaven-sent water.
Loved in the country, as it feeds the crops.
Loved in the city, as it washes away the smog
Bringing with it life, and beauty,
Filling the air with the smell of rain.
Lulling the child to sleep in his bed,
Calming the stressing mother at home.
Washing away the dirt of yesterday.
The rain comes, pattering.
Cleaning the air of smog and smells,
Cleaning the mud off sidewalks and streets
Filling the backwood country wells,
Replenishing the earth with the life that it needs,
The rain comes.
Feel it wet on your hands and feet.
Running in the rain feel it drip and soak your clothes,
Breathe deep.
Smell the fresh clean air after the rain,
Breathe deep.


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