Fall's Fest
Fall's Fest
Dead branches fall from Cotton trees
Cold breezes freeze my toes
The leaves are yellowing on the trees,
The grass is cold with dew
The orange dead leaves, that stand on trees
The orange dead leaves, that stand on trees
Just waiting for the breeze
The metal sign, is cold as ice, or seems to me it is
The squirrels feed to plump themselves
As soon the winter comes.
The porches decked with coming fall and some for Halloween
The roads are wet from morning showers,
The air is moist and cold.
The barefoot beasts of bark and mew,
Go wandering in the streets.
The ragged mouse, tired of the race
That hungry cats bring him .
The Canada geese are flying home, to meet their cousins there
The air is cold, the frost is near
The wind is crisp and cold
The sky is clear, September leaves
And with October harvest ends.
Dead branches fall from cotton trees
The swing is now long gone
A storm of last did kill the branch, that held much fun of past
The yellow brown bark, with moss atop
Does contrast with the white inside
Now weathered with the stormy winds, and wet from many a storm
Now drying in the beating sun, then freezing with the night
Now falling slowly in face of winds,
And breaking with a sound,
Like pistols fired, or rocks far dropt, or dry logs in a fire
Now sweeping soft the sandy dirt
As if it were the floor
Now falling, falling slowly still
Until it reach the ground
The porches decked with coming fall and some for Halloween
Soaked with the rain ne’er dried with sun
The feline beasts hide in their homes
While children search for thin black cats
And cry “A Ghost!” Whenever moms
Do put their sheets outside
A baby cries when brought inside a spider infested house
With one large air-filled octoped, a-hanging on the door
The sweeper sweeps the dirt filled streets
But leave dust in a pile
The rain just brings it back again while children cry “A bat!”
The stores are filled with creepy scores
Of spiders, ghosts, and thin black cats
While spider webs in granny’s house are safely swept away
For she sets up the spider web she just bought from the store
Copywrite 2018
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