A Few Riddles

Pinpoints of light in a world of darkness
I blink and I blink
Using bioluminescence 
To bring forth little blessings

I can change my skin
I am light and dark at will
I provoke emotions
But have none of my own
I am bigger than an elephant
Yet little things control me

In my species there are many colors
I close with a click
I capture memories
Of the old and the young
And Yield them 
With the tap of a finger

I say many things but I have no mouth
I come in all colors
And change periodically
I make money and take money
But I have no mouth
I can be used for good or bad
But I usually am used for a sale

I come in many shapes and sizes
I am a sign
I am put on paper
I can be tall and  I can be small
I can convey a message
Or mean nothing at all

I have three hands that are always moving
I'm hung on the wall
Or set on a desk
Sometimes I ring, ding, or bong

I am very hard
I'm not full of Lard
I can be the color of tar
(Or Yellow Or white
But other colors you will not sight)
I'm not very far
Whoever you are
Unless you have lost all your _____


  1. Firefly
  2. House -Credit to a Friend I revised this
  3. Camera- Credit to a Friend I revised this
  4. Billboards
  5. Alphabet- Credit to a Friend I revised this
  6. Clock- Credit to a Friend I revised this
  7. Teeth- Credit to a Friend I revised this

Copyright 2018


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