Euphony and Cacophony


Sweet Euphony with her calm words,
Wedded to her harsh husband
And mother of young Euphemism
Who follows wherever she goes
Wears soft dresses in sweet spring colors
That rustle in the gentle wind
She walks softly, bare feet just brushing the ground
She smiles at the children
Makes gingerbread for the little ones
And with the first sound of a baby born
She croons to the child to soften it’s cry
In her village of the world she softens harsh truths
Visits the gentle and helps the harsh
Doctors and nurses hire here out
For words must be soft where truth cannot


Harsh and hard, discordant in words
Married to his sweet wife to calm him down
Angry husbands know him well
As he stomps and he bangs on their front door
His broken car door is banged and bashed
From ugly moments when the key went wrong
His car itself is a hulking beast,
Breaking with every step of the way,
Roaring in anger when stop lights go red
His face becomes twin with his object of anger
As he punches the dashboard and wrenches the clutch
None compares to the angry wretch
Tired angry maids and spoiled old men,
Call up Cacophony-never tired of them
He stomps and he snorts till all know his rage
For words have no smiles when Cacophony comes.

Copyright 2018


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