An Angel’s Blessing

An Angel’s Blessing

A virgin abandoned and left to die,
Wandering under the open sky;
With Unshod feet, and uncovered head,
And no place to sleep, just the ground, no bed.
Her feet were sore and bleeding,
Her heart was scarcely beating,
But an angel blessed the wandering girl,
Appeared to her and this message did unfurl,
“Retrace your steps and kindly take,
Anything left in your wake”
For every drop of blood that fell,
Became a little golden bell;
And though her eyes shed many tears,
Left in her wake were precious pearls.
The tired maiden humbly obeyed,
And for her obedience was richly paid.

Copyright 2018


  1. Lovely commentary about the blessings hidden in obedience.

  2. When I first read this I thought it was from more recently, written after the piece you did on Hagar. Surprised that this was from 2018!


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